LilySlim Weight loss tickers

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Weigh In Wednesday

Well, this is not what I planned to see this week but then I remember that I had some Chinese Vegetable LoMein the other day and sweet tea, hence the 1.4 lb gain AND the puffy feet!!!  I knew the sweet, sweet tea was going to be an issue but totally forgot that there is an unwritten rule that you do not eat Chinese food right before a weigh in.  Oh well, we all have to own up to these things and they are normal mistakes.  Yes, I knew better(not at the time because I wasn't thinking) and I paid the piper. I see this as a lesson learned and to not repeat it especially so early in this journey when I am fighting urges and temptations.  Fighting these has been tough and I have been able to handle most of them but I stumbled.  Not going to beat myself up over this but will take this as an incentive to regroup and move forward.  It also didn't help that last week was such a messed up week for the gym with the hubster working days and the lack of being able to go.  I did do some home stuff like the abs, Bosu and kettle bell but there is nothing more satisfying than to go to the gym and get these endorphins pumped up. Just need to get back on track and pull up my positive panties again. 

I am beginning to think outside the box more and more about my eating and workouts so I am excited to see what I can achieve from those.  Have been fighting with demons on occasion and some sabotage but overcoming them will make me a stronger person.  On the other hand, there is rowing machine at one of the gyms I work out at that is NOT going to get the best of me.  It is like no other rowing machine I have ever used and I am bound and determined I am going to learn how to master it.  I will have to take a picture of this beast because it will not get the best of if I have anything to do with it. I LOVE the rowing machine except this one and I think it is more like a LOVE-HATE relationship right now.  I am lucky if I can go 2 minutes right now.  Conquering that machine will be a new goal for me.

Ok, enough of my ramblings. Have a great week and till next time.....


"I am just a Raggedy Ann living in a Barbie doll world"

Oh, here are the previous weigh in photos from my old FB page:

  First weigh in 6/16/2016
    Week 2
 Week 3


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